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  • help > skills > shadewalk
    Skill        :   Shadewalk
    Class        :   Aramitama
    Cost         :   20
    Casting time :   1 round
    Skill type   :   Transportation
    Difficulty   :   1
    Syntax       :   do shadewalk <dest>
                 :   do shadewalk setdest <dest name>
                 :   do shadewalk cleardest <dest name>
                 :   do shadewalk
    In each shadow, be it from dim lights or black as death itself, there
    exists a link to the Plane of Darkness.  Known by many names, this
    land of eternal night can be as deadly as it is mysterious.  Only
    those who truly understand its essence can navigate the paths that
    link its tendrils.
    Using the shadowy ties, an Aramitama may traverse from one area of
    darkness to another.  The passage is quick, but the method deadly to
    those who do not truly know the night.
    Aramitama may call darkness to areas through the skill shadowfall,
    to assist them in travelling to areas they know well. 
    See also: help skills shadowfall