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  • help > skills > savagery
    Skill        :   Savagery
    Class        :   Druid
    Base Cost    :   35 energy
    Skill Type   :   Active
    Casting Time :   Instant
    Stats Base   :   100% Dex
    Damage Type  :   Bleeding
    Syntax       :   do savagery
    Examples     :   do savagery
    Savagery is a primal skill mastered by Druids, channeling the raw power of
    nature to strike all nearby enemies with brutal force. When activated, this
    skill inflicts significant bleeding damage on all targets within range and 
    applies a bleeding effect that causes additional damage over time.
    - Strikes all nearby enemies, dealing 12.72% of skill level as slash damage.
    - Applies a bleed effect, causing 40.55% of skill level as additional damage
      over time.
    Combo Points:
    This skill generates 1 combo point when used.
    The damage inflicted by Savagery is calculated based on Druid's skill level
    and Dexterity. The bleeding effect can be particularly devastating to
    wounded targets, increasing the overall damage output.