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  • help > skills > ride
    Skill        :   Ride
    Class        :   Knight, Deathknight, Warlord, Paladin (via talent)
    Cost         :   15 (for NPC steeds only)
    Time         :   1 round
    Stats        :   Dexterity, some Strength and Constitution
    Syntax       :   do ride [<target> | steed | dismount | check]
    Examples     :   do ride
                     do ride steed
                     do ride dismount
                     do ride dragon
                     do ride nimrod
                     do ride check
    This skill permits you to ride those animals which permit riders; these
    include (but are not limited to) your steed, as given by the steed skill,
    player unicorns, dragons, and centaurs (if they permit you, via 'permit
    <name> ride') and some npc monsters.
    If you try to ride a wild steed then there is a chance the steed will
    rebel and attempt to throw you. The bigger the steed, the more likely
    this is. When your steed moves, you move; you do not move by yourself.
    With many steeds, attempting to move will force the steed to move. This
    is only the case with player steeds if they 'permit' you to steer.
    While riding, your ability to fight is increased; the more easily you
    ride the steed, the better you fight. If you charge into battle your
    steed will attack with you.  If you do not charge, the steed will
    eventually join in.
    There is a feedmaster located in the fighter's guild stables that
    sells "steed feed" which a steed will automatically eat when hungry
    (slow on sp).
    do ride dismount     causes you to stop riding.
    do ride              same as 'do ride dismount'.
    do ride steed        causes you to ride your personal steed/nightmare.
    do ride <target>     causes you to attempt to ride the target.
    do ride check        will display level, size and hp report of your steed
    Centaurs who have 'ride' are a special case. As a centaur, you can use
    this skill to recruit a rider and pull him onto your back. You do not
    need your rider's permission to steer, and you still fight better with
    someone to assist you. Most NPCs who themselves have the 'ride' skill
    are recruitable in this manner, and a player can 'permit' you to act as
    his mount.
    A living centaur with this skill can "ride" normal NPC knights,
    warlords, warriors, and paladins. An undead centaur can "ride" normal
    NPC deathknights.