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  • help > skills > rampage
    Skill        :   Rampage
    Class        :   Aurumvorax       
    Cost         :   20 (non-adjustable)
    Skill Type   :   Active / Passive
    Casting time :   1 round + Buildup Time
    Stats Base   :   Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence, Constitution
    Difficulty   :   Level 1
    Syntax       :   do rampage    
    Examples     :   do rampage
                     do rampage (to cancel)
                     do rampage elguardia
    Being an animal, the Aurumvorax shares a close link with
    primitive rage.  Focusing this rage, the beast may begin to build
    a mantle of ferocity.  This aura will stay with the Aurumvorax as
    long as it feeds the ferocity, that is, as long as it slays foes.  
    Furthermore, as more foes are slain, the aura will grow stronger.
    Rampaging Aurumvorae will receive more attacks and generally fight
    with more skill in battle.  It also tends to increase the power of
    the beast's fury, grate, and clamp skills.  Additionally, the
    beast can move slightly further when wounded.  The more energized
    the aura, the harder it is to separate the Aurumvorax from it.  
    Thus, rampaging Aurumvorae will sometimes escape the clutches of 
    death, especially those with a more developed primal instinct.
    See also: help skills clamp, help skills fury, help skills grate,
              help skills instinct