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  • help > skills > quicken
    Skill       :   Quicken
    Class       :   Ninja
    Skill type  :   Active
    Level       :   quicken 5, furor +2
    Cost        :   5 sp + 1-3 sp/round
    Stats Base  :   Dexterity and Constitution
    Syntax      :   do quicken (turns on/off)
                    do quicken furor
    Whenever attacking is needed, the ninja can send himself into
    a quickened state, slashing everything in sight.  His pure
    concentration keeps him in this heightened state.
    Upon reaching the pinnacle of training a ninja may enter a 
    mighty combat furor.  A ninja in this state can take almost
    double damage as they forgo all defense, however in this
    state the ninja will attack with unmatched speed.