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  • help > skills > poltergeist
    Skill        :   Poltergeist
    Class        :   Aramitama
    Cost         :   5
    Skill Type   :   Active
    Level        :   1
    Difficulty   :   Level 1
    Stats Base   :   Mostly Con, Some Int
    Syntax       :   do poltergeist
    Examples     :   do poltergeist
    For the Aramitama, poltergeist functions in two different manners.  
    If the Aramitama has a region under its haunting influence, and the 
    Aramitama is not at the heart of the haunting, poltergeist will take 
    the Aramitama to the heart of the haunting.  If the Aramitama is
    already at the heart of the haunting, or the Aramitama does not have 
    a haunt, acting as a poltergeist will cause all living beings to 
    become fearful for their life!  Obviously, this fear is much 
    stronger in the heart of the haunting.