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  • help > skills > pollen
    Skill        :   Pollen
    Class        :   Pixie
    Stats Base   :   Ability / Ignore Skills Full
    Cost         :   Special
    Casting Time :   0
    Syntax       :   do pollen add <pollen type>
                     do pollen remove <pollen type>
                     do pollen gather
    Pixies enable and power their spells through the accumulation of 
    pollen from a range of floral sources spread across the lands of 
    Tsunami.  To do so, they must affinitize their wings to one or more 
    pollens.  While affinitized to a particular pollen, the Pixie is able 
    to cast a certain spell and receives certain passive bonuses (see 
    "help pollen").
    The pollen skill allows the Pixie to perform certain actions necessary 
    to selecting and gathering pollens.
    To affinitize to a specific pollen: "do pollen add <type>"
    To remove a pollen affinity: "do pollen remove <type>"
    To toggle gathering of pollens: "do pollen gather"
    Once gathering has been toggled on, the Pixie will attempt to attract 
    ambient pollen *to which it is currently affinitized* within its 
    environment.  This is an automatic mechanism that executes each round 
    in rooms where pollen can be found and hasn't already been collected.  
    If pollen is found, the act of binding the pollen to the Pixie's wings 
    will expend 5 spell points.  As the Pixie gains player levels, more
    pollen will generally be able to be gathered per attempt.  Warmer, 
    humid climates and warmer seasons will tend to yield more pollen per 
    successful attraction.
    Any room that has at least one of the following terrains has a chance 
    to contain pollen of any type: cemetery, cultivated, farm, field, 
    forest, garden, hills, jungle, mountains, plains, shore and swamp.  
    When a previously-accumulated pollen type is removed from the Pixie's 
    list of affinities, all pollen of that type will fall away from the
    Pixie (i.e. the count immediately drops to zero).
    Please note: pollen is NOT expended to cast spells.  Once the Pixie has 
    attracted a pollen quantity, it remains until he or she might decide to 
    remove their wings' affinity to it.
    See also: help pollen, help spell acclimate, help spell acerbate, 
              help spell bliss, help spell brambles, help spell galvanize,
              help spell glow, help spell gullibility, help spell hoodwink,
              help spell plerosis, help spell somnolence