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  • help > skills > perforate
    Skill        :   Perforate
    Class        :   Berserker      
    Cost         :   7 adrenaline
    Skill Type   :   Active
    Casting time :   1
    Stats Base   :   Mostly Dexterity, Some Strength
    Difficulty   :   1
    Syntax       :   do perforate [<target>]    
    Examples     :   do perforate
                     do perforate ansikte
         Closing the range with his or her opponent, the Berserker may 
    quickly and repeatedly stab his or her target again and again.  Each
    stab that misses will infuriate the Berserker, causing successive 
    thrusts to be more violent.  A missed stab will also give him a
    point of adrenaline.  This particularly brutal attack will not allow 
    for the Berserker to follow with an offhand blow, and requires him 
    or her to be wielding two piercing weapons.
         This skill is a dual attack.  The Berserker must be berserk 
    to use this skill.
    See also: help adrenaline, help skill berserk