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  • help > skills > penetrate
    Skill        :   Penetrate
    Class        :   Hunter      
    Cost         :   20 (non-adjustable)
    Skill Type   :   Active
    Casting time :   Special
    Stats Base   :   Strength and Dexterity
    Difficulty   :   Special
    Syntax       :   do penetrate <target>    
    Examples     :   do penetrate
                     do penetrate thade
            Hunters specialize in exploiting the vulnerabilities of
    their prey.  Using this skill, the Hunter attempts to land a 
    penetrating blow that exposes his or her target's defenses.  If the
    attack succeeds, the prey will be extra vulnerable to further 
    attacks made by a hunter using this skill (for a short period of
    time).  This effect is cumulative: each successful penetrating
    attack will expose the victim even more to future uses of the skill.
    Prey that avoid being further hit by this skill will slowly recover
    from the exposed state.
            This attack normally takes 1 round to complete.  However,
    when used against prey that has already been penetrated a certain
    number of times, the skill executes instantaneously.  By this point,
    the exposed location is blatantly visible, expediting the process
    of aiming at it.
            The hunter must wield a bow or a spear to use this skill.
    This skill only exposes the target to further penetrating attacks,
    with one exception: it will make the prey more vulnerable to
    snipe as well.  All other skills, combat hits, etc, will be normal.
            A hunter using the snipe skill will often penetrate his foes
    without using the penetrate skill.
            Hunters using this skill against classes that they are
    experts at hunting will cause significantly more damage.
    See also: help expertise, help skill snipe