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  • help > skills > pelt
    Skill        :   Pelt
    Class        :   Pixie
    Stats Base   :   Mostly Dexterity, Some Int
    Resisted By  :   Combat
    Cost         :   15 (non-adjustable)
    Casting Time :   0
    Syntax       :   do pelt [<target>]
    Examples     :   do pelt
                     do pelt syskar
    Whether cornered, feeling mischiveous or simply wishing to augment 
    their physical arsenal, Pixies are known to use their surroundings to
    their advantage in combat.  This skill allows the Pixie to quickly
    find a qualifying projectile in the environment and fling it at a foe, 
    using a combination of physical ability and magical augmentation.  The 
    projectile used will depend on the type of terrain in which the Pixie 
    finds itself, and will generally vary between inflicting crushing, 
    slashing or piercing damage (based upon what type of object it is).
    When used against a target that is not currently in combat with the
    Pixie, there is a chance that the Pixie will use his or her offhand to 
    toss a second pelt projectile.  This chance is based on the initial
    effectiveness of the first projectile and measured against the 
    awareness of the target.  If a second projectile is thrown, it will 
    generally deal less damage than the first.