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  • help > skills > mug
    Skill       :   Mug
    Skill type  :   Active
    Stats Base  :   Mostly strength
    Syntax      :   do mug <item or money> from <target>
    Examples    :   do mug money from shockwave
                    do mug sword from midian
                    do mug amulet from blacksaber
                    do mug anything from atolycus
    The mug skill is an interesting skill indeed.  It is a special ability
    that thugs use to "acquire" an item, or some pennies.  It is quite
    similar to steal, but steal pales in comparison when it comes to
    acquiring "worn" or "wielded" equipment.  The way to mug is to smack
    the thugs' targets loose, so the thugs can "obtain" the stuff they
    want, in style.
    Of course, mugging will not be always successful.  And no one likes it
    when his or her stuff is "mugged" or to be "mugged".  Unlike stealing,
    no one can mug without his/her target noticing.  So thugs may get beaten
    up rather badly or even to death when trying to mug for a living.