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  • help > skills > metabolize
    Skill        :   Metabolize 
    Race         :   Myconoid
    Cost         :   0 sp
    Skill Type   :   Active
    Casting Time :   Instant
    Difficulty   :   Level 1
    Stats Base   :   Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence, Constitution
    Syntax       :   do metabolize [<target>]
    Examples     :   do metabolize corpse
    Myconoids have the ability to more completely metabolize corpses by
    extending nearly-microscopic filaments from their bodies into a corpse
    that spread throughout the flesh, excreting highly vitriolic bile and
    absorbing the resulting slurry.  The level of the myconoid determines
    their proficiency with this process and allows them to digest for
    longer periods of time.  While digesting, myconoids have an accelerated
    rate of healing.  Moving away from the corpse will break the process.
    There is a small chance that the digestion process will cause
    mushrooms to sprout from the corpse being consumed.  This is how
    myconoids reproduce, and these mushrooms may detatch and follow the
    myconoid as loyal offspring for a time.  