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  • help > skills > medicate
    Skill        :   Medicate
    Class        :   Herbalist       
    Cost         :   20
    Skill Type   :   Active
    Casting time :   1 round
    Stats Base   :   Dexterity, Intelligence
    Difficulty   :   Level 1
    Syntax       :   do medicate (<herbal medicant> | heal) [on <target>]
    Examples     :   do medicate chirbala
                 :   do medicate arguek on pentacle
         Herbalists have for ages used herbal medicants to heal their
    tribe's wounded and sick.  By extracting the natural oil present
    within a given herb, the Herbalist may attempt to medicate a given
    target with it.  Depending upon which herb is used, different
    ailments may be alleviated...
    CHIRBALA: Reduces or purges toxin levels within the target.
    SRILI: Cures blindness and blindness-inducing afflictions.
    GORDEP: Removes slowing and paralyzing ailments.
    ARGUEK: Clears the mind of confusion.
    HURTOLK: Purges the body of infectious diseases.
         If the 'heal' option is chosen, chirbala will be used, but not
    for the effect listed above.  Instead, the damaged tissues of the
    target will heal over time.
    See also: help skill collect