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  • help > skills > mark
    Skill           : Mark
    Class           : Crusader
    Cost            : 20
    Casting Time    : 1
    Stat Base       : Intelligence
    Syntax          : do mark <type> <target>
                      do mark [crusader only, applies buffs to self]
                      do mark damnation federov
                      do mark fanaticism indel
                      do mark protection kirin
                      do mark ostracism eeyore
    A crusader can burn a divine sigil into a being letting all those know
    the fate of such a being.  With the mark of damnation, the victim
    becomes less able to defend his vile self from attack.  With the mark
    of ostracism, the victim becomes a meek and sickly target, impairing
    his ability to resist death.  With the mark or protection, the target
    gains divine protection in the form of defense and intimidation.
    The divine mark of fanaticism marks the soldiers of the Gods,
    giving them extra attacks and power to smite their foes.
    A crusader may mark themselves and receives the benefits of both protection
    and fanaticism irregardless of which mark they choose.