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  • help > skills > kushimitama
    Skill        :   Kushimitama
    Class        :   Aramitama
    Cost         :   5
    Casting Time :   1 round
    Stats        :   Mostly Dex, Some Int
    Syntax       :   do kushimitama [short|long|weapon|manifest] <desc>
    Examples     :   do kushimitama manifest
    Kushimitama, the manifestation of the Aramitama, allows the wraith
    to appear in this world.  The Aramitama must first set its short, 
    long, and weaponry name by using the appropriate flags.  When used 
    to manifest, the Aramitama's hp pool becomes its sp pool, and vice 
    versa.  Damage incurred while in manifest form is taken from hp pool.  
    On reversal, the Aramitama goes back to its incorporeal state, and 
    its pools revert to normal.  While manifest, the Aramitama can carry 
    items, wear armour, and attack with much greater efficiency.