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  • help > skills > kurafuto
    Skill           :   Kurafuto
    Class           :   Shikaku
    Skill Type      :   Active
    Cost            :   25 sp (10 during war)
    Stats           :   All
    Casting Time    :   5 rounds
    Syntax          :   do kurafuto [katar|hand|claw]
    Example         :   do kurafuto katar
                        do kurafuto claw
    Through intense concentration the shikaku can shape a
    simple piece of metal in the form of a deadly weapon that
    only she can command.
    The weapons forged in this manner help the shikaku in 
    different ways depending on the type created. They also
    grant the shikaku a small chance to strike a blow at her
    foes that even delivering normal damage it channels enough
    energy to charge one level of her energy bar.
    The types of weapons that can be crafted using this skill
    Katar - small blades attached to a hilt that give the impression
            that they are extension to one's arm, and for the shikaku,
            this is very true. When wielded they boost the shikaku's 
            ability with this kind of weapon. (sword)
    Hand  - these are small, circular bladed weapons that with a hilt
            in the center from where it's wielded encompassing the 
            hand of the wielder. Due to this involvement, these blades
            give a small advantage to those trying to get a synergy with
            their blades. (unarmed)
    Claw  - thin strips of sharp metals attached to a glove, these
            weapons are an attempt to immitate original claws
            and talons of animals. They offer a higher chance to 
            block attacks directed at the shikaku. (dagger)
    More experienced shikaku find these weapons a very reliable 
    source of damage during a fight and most tend to use these
    over any mundane weapons found throughout the world.