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  • help > skills > incorporeality
    Spell        :  Incorporeality
    Class        :  Deathknight
    Cost         :  10 sp
    Casting Time :  0
    Difficulty   :  0
    Syntax       :  do incorporeality
    Incorporeality is a measure of the Deathknight's physical
    presence  in this world.  As it grows more incorporeal, the less
    armour it can wear, but it also takes less damage from physical
    attacks.  Higher incorporeality also results in an lower magical
    resistance, and makes the Deathknight more susceptible to magical
    attacks, and allows them to pass physical barriers.
    While being incorporeal some spells of the Deathknight will work
    better as he is in closer connection with the realm of death.
    The downside of this is that while not being physical he will not
    deal as much damage with physical attacks.
    Being incorporeal will also weaken the Deathknight's physical
    strength and increasing the mental strength by the same amount.
    * Lifeleech and Darkfire will work better when the Deathknight
    is incorporeal. These two spells are directly dependant on how
    strong the Deathknight's ties to the realm of death is - meaning
    that a higher skill level in incorporeality will result in better
    efficacy of these two spells.
    * Soulrip will work better in the Deathknight's physical form.
    * Gravewalk will only work when the Deathknight is incorporeal.