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  • help > skills > implore
    Skill        :   Implore
    Class        :   Beastmaster       
    Cost         :   20 (non-adjustable)
    Skill Type   :   Active
    Casting time :   1
    Stats Base   :   Intelligence, Constitution
    Difficulty   :   Level 0
    Syntax       :   do implore 1 to command    
    Examples     :   do implore ape to kill sturnn
                     do implore area to hold charac
                     do implore area to blind amseth
                     do implore area to confuse azrath
            Beastmasters share an empathic link with all animals they
    encounter.  By using this skill, he may beseech an animal to
    perform a supplied command.  This is similar to mesmerize, though
    the requested action is not limited to being instantaneous (it may
    take one or more rounds).  However, it can ONLY be used on animals.
            Additionally, the Beastmaster may implore the hidden
    animals in the area to aid him.  This will only function in natural
    areas (non-building, non-town, etc).  The animals may be ordered to
    do the following: hold, blind, or confuse.  Once commanded, they 
    will wait in ambush for the target to arrive, then spring once he 
    or she enters the area.  If the target is in the room when the 
    skill is used, the animals will act immediately.