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  • help > skills > hurl
    Skill        :   Hurl   
    Skill Type   :   Active
    Stats Base   :   Strength, Dex, Con
    Cost         :   15 sp
    Syntax       :   do hurl thing [at target]
                     do hurl thing [direction]
                     do hurl thing [to person]
    Example      :   do hurl boulder at belly
                     do hurl dhcp east
                     do hurl karlmarx to janus
    The hurl skill allows a jotun to hurl large objects around; this
    can do considerable damage, particularly if using a heavy and 
    well-balanced object (such as a boulder).  If you choose to hurl
    'to' someone, the person you are throwing to can be in any outdoor
    room on the mud which does not prevent gating.