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  • help > skills > hunt
    Skill        :   Hunt
    Class        :   Werewolf, Hunter
    Cost         :   5 
    Time to Use  :   1 round
    Stats Base   :   Intelligence, Constitution
    Syntax       :   do hunt [follow/attack] [target] or do hunt [on/off]
    This is the ability of the hunter to track down prey by their senses;
    a skilled hunter can automatically follow such a track for many rooms with
    sufficient skill.  
    Specific effects:
    do hunt: you detect tracks in your current room
    do hunt on: you detect tracks automatically as you move
    do hunt off: you stop detecting tracks
    do hunt name: as hunt on, but only tracks left by (name)
    do hunt follow name: attempt to follow tracks all the way to (name).
    Also turns on noticing tracks, as per do hunt name
    Messages generated by hunt are colorized as 'hunt'