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  • help > skills > gorge
    Skill        :   Gorge
    Class        :   Ghoul
    Cost         :   10 sp
    Skill Type   :   Active
    Casting Time :   1 Round
    Difficulty   :   Level 1
    Stats Base   :   Mostly Con, some Str and Dex 
    Syntax       :   do gorge
    Examples     :   do gorge corpse
                     do gorge karlmarx corpse
    A ghoul revels in gorging itself on corpses.  As such, a Ghoul can
    gain additional benefits from a corpse that a normal mortal cannot.
    A Ghoul's appetite is such, it can even gorge itself on a corpse
    carried by another!
    PASSIVE EFFECT: A ghoul will automatically receive this bonus during
    peace times when it eats or consumes a corpse while not in combat.