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  • help > skills > foul
    Skill        :  Foul (Foul Play)
    Skill type   :  Active
    Stat base    :  Strength, Dexterity
    Syntax       :  do foul [option] target
    Cost         :  10 sp
    Options      :  throw, sand, clothesline, headlock, trap
    Examples     :  do foul bob
                    do foul sand marian
                    do foul headlock dokken
                    do foul clothesline quiggly
                    do foul trap araphor
    The foul play skill is an essential skill for a Bandit.  Bandits
    are known for their down and dirty fighting and complete
    lack of ethics when it comes to duels.
    Bandits have five options they prefer to use:
    Clothesline:  Stick out an arm and hit your opponent
                  across the neck
    Throw:        Throw your opponent across the room and then
                  pounce while they are unaware
    Sand:         Throw sand in your opponent's eyes, blinding them
    Headlock:     Get your opponent in an intimidating headlock.
                  This move stops combat with the target and increases 
                  the bandit's intimidation for a short period of time.
    Trap:         You will throw your opponent into a previously made trap.
                  Available traps: Firepit, Pungi. One opponent per trap.