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  • help > skills > forge
    Skill        :   Forge
    Skill type   :   Active
    Stats Base   :   Str, Dex, Int
    Cost         :   50 sp (20 during wars)
    Time         :   3 rounds (1 round during wars)
    Syntax       :   do forge <armour|weapon> <light|heavy|mythic>
    Example      :   do forge mace
                     do forge gloves
                     do forge dagger light
                     do forge sword mythic (once 1000 Quest Points)
    This skill allows one to forge armour and weaponry from metal. The
    quality of the equipment will vary depending on the location. Forging
    equipment in a forge will create much better equipment. 
    Skilled smiths are able to customize their weapons by making them
    lighter or heavier, depending on their particular preference.
    Seasoned warriors who have journeyed the lands of Tsunami and have 
    accumulated 1000 quest points have learnt the ability to forge mythic 
    weapons and armour of great power. The new syntax is 'do forge <type> mythic'.
    Centaur however will not be able to forge mythic body armour or boots
    and Minotaur will not be able to forge mythic boots.  For these regular
    forging will need to suffice.