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  • help > skills > flourish
    Skill        :   Flourish
    Class        :   Berserker      
    Cost         :   20
    Skill Type   :   Active
    Casting time :   1
    Cooldown     :   40 rounds
    Stats Base   :   Constitution
    Difficulty   :   1
    Syntax       :   do flourish
    Examples     :   do flourish
         Drawing upon the fury deep within themselves, Berserkers may 
    explode with flourishing energy.  This rush of power will fill the
    Berserker with the maximum amount of adrenaline.  Furthermore, for
    a short time adrenaline will be gained at a significantly advanced 
    rate in combat, and will not be lost while outside of it.  If the 
    Berserker fails to kill a foe while flourishing and is not in combat
    when it ends, he or she will lose all remaining adrenaline.
    See also: help adrenaline