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  • help > skills > flamboyance
    Skill        :   Flamboyance
    Class        :   Swashbuckler
    Cost         :   15 sp
    Skill Type   :   Active
    Casting Time :   Instant
    Stats Base   :   Mostly Dex, Some Int
    Syntax       :   do flamboyance [target or direction]
    Examples     :   do flamboyance (default - impresses everyone)
                     do flamboyance north
                     do flamboyance spooky
    Swashbucklers delight in amazing any onlookers with colorful
    movements and impressive displays of prowess with blades.  Such
    a flamboyant warrior can use these skills for a number of purposes.
    When used to impress a crowd, the entire group will cease
    hostilities, choosing instead to stand and watch the
    swashbuckler's skillful show.  Other uses depend on the swashbuckler
    being in a familiar terrain, one likely to be found at a port
    of call.  When in such a location, the swashbuckler can use
    a well-timed flourish to escape a nasty situation.  Alternatively,
    a swashbuckler can use such familiar grounds to turn the tide
    of combat against an opponent to his favor.