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  • help > skills > fish
    Skill        :  Fish
    Class        :  Shaolin
    Cost         :  20 + 5 per fish caught
    Casting Time :  1
    Stats Base   :  Int and Dex
    Syntax       :  do fish
    Example      :  do fish
    Shaolin monks believe in the simple life and thus they would
    never be found using shop heals. Instead a monk heals eating
    the fish they catch.
    In order to fish a Shaolin monk must have a fishing rod purchased
    from the monk monastery.  The monastery can be found in the cleric
    Fish will be stored in a special fishing 'pouch' - the size of which
    is determined by the number of donations the shaolin has made to the
    church.  Looking at the pouch will show the details of which fish have
    been caught.  The shaolin can also discard <amt> <fish> to remove
    unwanted fish.