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  • help > skills > finish
    Skill        :   Finish
    Class        :   Beastmaster       
    Cost         :   20 (non-adjustable)
    Skill Type   :   Active
    Casting time :   1
    Stats Base   :   Strength, Constitution
    Difficulty   :   Level 1
    Syntax       :   do finish <target>    
    Examples     :   do finish
                     do finish homework
    	A critically wounded prey is no match for the animalistic
    mind of the Beastmaster.  While bonded, he may attempt to land a
    cruel, final blow on a dying prey.  This will only function on
    targets in bad shape or less.  The worse condition the prey is in
    (bad shape and beyond), the more critical and effective this skill
    will be.  Additionally, the more wounded the prey is, the better
    the chance that the damage is so massive that it functions as
    See also: help skill bond