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  • help > skills > feral fury
    Skill        :   Feral Fury
    Class        :   Druid
    Base Cost    :   20 energy
    Skill Type   :   Active
    Casting Time :   Instant
    Stats Base   :   100% Dexterity
    Damage Type  :   Claw
    Syntax       :   do feral fury <target>
    Examples     :   do feral fury orc
                     do feral fury all || foes
    In the wilds, the feral nature of the Druid is unmatched. With "Feral Fury,"
    a Druid can channel their inner beast, unleashing a series of rapid, savage
    attacks on all nearby enemies. This skill not only displays the raw power of
    nature but also helps Druids control the battlefield by overwhelming their
    foes with relentless aggression.
    The damage dealt by "Feral Fury" is distributed among all valid targets in
    the area, making it a versatile skill for handling groups of enemies. Each
    target is struck with intense physical attacks, with the damage being reduced
    based on the number of targets and their combat prowess.