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  • help > skills > fan the hammer
    Skill        :   Fan the Hammer
    Class        :   Gunslinger
    Base Cost    :   22 energy per bullet
    Skill Type   :   Active
    Casting Time :   Instant
    Cooldown     :   10 rounds (20 seconds) if the skill doesn't get a kill. 
                 :   5 round (10 seconds) if the skill does get a kill.
    Stats Base   :   75% Dex, 25% Int
    Syntax       :   do fan the hammer <player name | all>
    Examples     :   do fan the hammer belly
                     do fan the hammer all
    As the masters of their arsenal, Gunslingers are able to unleash a barrage
    of gunshots at their opponent(s). This does not come without great exertion
    however, as the Gunslinger will spend all their remaining energy and will 
    left in an exhausted state for a minimum of 3 rounds unless the skill
    manages to kill one of the targets. If the skill kills a target exhaust
    is cleared and half your maximum energy is restored.
    If your munition pouch has elemental cartridges, this will automatically
    utilize those cartridges with each round fired.
    Masters of the shotgun will be able to unleash this skill on all targets
    in the room, albeit with less damage than other masteries.