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  • help > skills > engage
    Skill        :   Engage 
    Class        :   Amazon, Native
    Cost         :   20 sp
    Skill Type   :   Active
    Casting Time :   1 Round
    Difficulty   :   Level 1
    Stats Base   :   Strength and Constitution
    Syntax       :   do engage [<target>]
    Examples     :   do engage
                     do engage joe
    The player has the skill to draw his opponent into a fierce 
    struggle for power.  For several rounds, the player
    and foe battles for each others weapon.  If the player
    succeeds, the foe drops or loses hold his weapon.  Be wary though for the engager
    may also lose his weapon, or neither may lose their weapon.  The
    main advantage of this ability is that the foe is unable to
    leave during the struggle for the weapon.  The player, since being
    on the offensive, is able to break of the struggle off at any time.
    Note: You cannot engage an opponent while wielding a bow.
    -=Driven by Dominance=-
    * The success level of engage will make the Barbarian dominate their foes.
    * Dominance confers somewhat more powerful melee attacks.
    * Dominance somewhat reduces damage taken.
    * Dominance increases the effect of reckless attack.