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  • help > skills > elementalism
    Skill        :   Elementalism
    Class        :   Prismatic Dragon
    Stats Base   :   none (ability)
    Cost         :   0
    Syntax       :   do elementalism
    The 'elementalism' skill allows a prismatic dragon to absorb elemental
    energy through the power of the dragon souls.  Each dragon soul allows
    the absorbtion of different elemental damage.
    Red Soul (Fire Drake) - FIRE damage
    Green Soul (Wyvern) - POISON damage
    Blue Soul (Shen-lung) - SHOCK damage
    White Soul (Remorhaz) - COLD damage
    Black Soul (Chian-lung) - ACID damage
    Grey Soul (Dracolich) - DRAIN damage
    Pink Soul (Faeriedragon) - PSYCHIC damage
    This energy can be utilised to power the pristmatic dragons spells. 
    Additionally this elemental damage is slowly absorbed into the scales
    of the dragon and will grow the AC over time. 
    Additional information will be shown using 'do elementalism'