Wave Image

  • help > skills > eggsack
    Skill        :   Eggsack
    Class        :   Spider (Orb)       
    Cost         :   20 sp
    Casting time :   1 round
    Stats Base   :   Dexterity and Intelligence
    Difficulty   :   Level 0
    Syntax       :   do eggsack spin/lay/hatch
    Examples     :   do eggsack spin
                     do eggsack lay
                     do eggsack hatch
    Spiders have learned the ability to <spin> an eggsack within their webbing.
    The spider can then <lay> offspring in the sack and can <hatch> them.
    The hatchlings will hunt the target until the target or they die. 
    This skill can only be used inside a web.
    See also: help skill weave