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  • help > skills > drown
    Skill        :   Drown
    Class        :   Sirene
    Cost         :   20
    Casting time :   1
    Difficulty   :   Level 1
    Stats Base   :   Quintessence
    Syntax       :   do drown <target>
    Examples     :   do drown tooth                 
                 :   do drown +30 asherzot
                 :   do drown
    In an aquatic environment, a Sirene may seek to
    drown her unsuspecting victim.  Pulled under the
    water, they take in a great lungful, and proceed to
    die of oxygen deprivation.  The lingering effects
    of the water will eventually be expelled from the lungs,
    and the victim may do so more effectively if they move
    out of the aquatic environment.  The Undead are
    highly resistant to drowning.