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  • help > skills > deathblade
    Skill        :   Deathblade
    Class        :   Deathknight
    Cost         :   Passive
    Skill Type   :   Active
    Casting Time :   Instant 
    Difficulty   :   Level 0
    Stats Base   :   All
    Syntax       :   do deathblade <type>
    Examples     :   do deathblade drain 
    This ability is limited only to the Deathknights. It is their
    innate ability to call upon the powers of the afterlife to summon
    an ethereal weapon to defend themselves. This ability can be
    called upon at any time. The weapon is an extension of the
    Deathknight, and can, therefore, never be broken, dropped, thrown
    away, or given to anyone else.
    The Deathknight may summon 4 types of deathblade as it gains
    VORPAL:  This is the default setting.  do deathblade will result
             in a vorpal blade.  
    COLD:    At level 15, the Deathknight may summon a blade of Ice.
             Of intermediate power, this blade affects a targets reaction speed.
    DRAIN:   At level 18, the Deathknight may summon a Netherblade capable
             of draining an opponent.
    UNHOLY:  At level 19+1 the Deathknight may summon an Unholy blade.
             This blade will deal the most damage out of the four.