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  • help > skills > dead ringer
    Skill        :   Dead Ringer
    Class        :   Gunslinger
    Base Cost    :   No cost
    Skill Type   :   Active
    Casting Time :   Instant
    Stats Base   :   75% Dex, 25% Int
    Syntax       :   do dead ringer <playername>
    Examples     :   do dead ringer belly
    Gunslingers have a great need to remain inconspicuous. As such they have 
    adapted the ability to become the spitting image of someone else.
    Although, your shouts will not be masked, since it is based on sight 
    rather than hearing (same with tells.)
    To change your class use altclass <classname>.
    Name must be a valid name with no strange characters or symbols. It
    may not have any spaces in it. Your pretitle and title will be
    appended to your masked name.