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  • help > skills > cultivate
    Skill        :     Cultivate
    Class        :     Herbalist
    Cost         :     30 (assess is free)
    Skill Type   :     Active
    Casting time :     2
    Syntax       :     do cultivate <herb|assess>
    Examples     :     do cultivate srili
                       do cultivate chirbala
                       do cultivate assess
         Over time, the Herbalists of the Native Clans realized
    that gathering herbs was not sufficient enough to meet demand.
    Thus, the Natives developed means for growing various herbs
    in gardens.  Using this skill, an Herbalist may begin to
    cultivate a garden of a given herbal type.
         When seeking to grow an herbal garden, an Herbalist must
    employ common sense.  Most herbs only grow in certain terrains
    (see "help skill collect"), and only when environmental
    conditions are suitable to growth.  Hence, planting a garden
    in the winter, or in an arctic climate, or in a desert, etc,
    will most likely prevent any growth.
        To better understand how your garden will grow you can 
    'do cultivate assess'.
         When growth has occurred in a planted garden, use "pick
    <garden's herb type>" or "pick <amount> <garden's herb type>" to
    collect herbs.
    See also: help skill collect