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  • help > skills > craft
    Skill        :   Craft
    Class        :   Herbalist       
    Cost         :   20 / 10 / 5
    Skill Type   :   Active
    Casting time :   3 rounds / 2 rounds / Special
    Stats Base   :   Dexterity, Intelligence
    Difficulty   :   Level 3 / Level 2 / Special
    Syntax       :   do craft [blowgun | pipe | [x] dart]
    Examples     :   do craft blowgun
                 :   do craft pipe
                 :   do craft dart
                 :   do craft 20 dart
         Herbalists are skilled at crafting tools from the contents of
    their natural environment.  Using this skill, an Herbalist may make
    a blowgun, pipe, or given number of darts.  Blowguns are the hardest
    to create, taking 3 rounds and costing 20 spell points.  Pipes are
    slightly easier, taking 2 rounds and costing 10 spell points.  Darts
    are a special case.  Up to (level * 5) darts can be crafted at a
    time.  The cost of dart production is (5 * the number to create).
    The time required for crafting darts ranges from no time whatsoever
    (one dart) to multiple rounds (depending on the number to create).
         Blowguns may be employed to fire darts at targets.  Use the
    syntax 'shoot <dart> at <target>' to fire a dart.  The 'dart' field
    may be either the word 'dart' to fire an unpoisoned dart, or if the
    Herbalist wishes to fire a poison dart, may be any of the herbal
    poison types.  
         Firing a dart will immobilize the Herbalist for that
         round while he or she catches his or her breath.
         If the Herbalist opts to fire a poison dart, the dart 
         is automatically poisoned via the "apply" skill as it 
         is fired.
         As an added perk, two unpoisoned darts may be fired
    per round, or you may start a given round by firing an unpoisoned
    dart and then follow with some other action (other than moving).  
    Firing an unpoisoned dart requires the expenditure of 5 spell 
    points but costs nothing during wars.  Firing a poisoned dart costs 
    15 spell points.
         Pipes are used to smoke herbal medicants.  Each of the
    different medicant types affects the Herbalist differently when he
    or she inhales them.  See 'help skill inhale' for more information.
         Only the Herbalist who crafted a given item may use that item.
    See also: help skill apply, help skill collect, help skill inhale