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  • help > skills > buoyancy
    Skill        :   Buoyancy
    Class        :   Sylph
    Cost         :   10
    Stats Base   :   Mostly Intelligence, Some Strength
    Casting time :   1
    Difficulty   :   Level 1
    Syntax       :   do buoyancy
    Examples     :   do buoyancy end
    The Sylph can command updrafts and thermal convection currents to 
    bouy along certain solid items.  She can end this at will, or wait 
    until the currents fade, at which point the solids will plummet to 
    the earth. Buoyancy allows her to carry items, but only in her 
    quasi-solid form can the Sylph actively pick them up.
    NOTE: This skill does NOT stack in terms of its effectiveness.
    Typing "do buoyancy" while you are currently bouyant will
    increase the duration of the buoyancy, however.