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  • help > skills > blitz
    Skill        :   Blitz
    Class        :   Berserker      
    Cost         :   20
    Skill Type   :   Active
    Casting time :   Instant
    Stats Base   :   Mostly Dexterity, Some Strength
    Difficulty   :   0
    Syntax       :   do blitz <direction> at <target>    
    Examples     :   do blitz east at montezuma
                     do blitz down at shrike
         Berserkers are feared for their blinding speed.  These warriors
    may rush at an opponent one room away, swinging as they do so.  This 
    will allow the Berserker to enter the area without suffering hunting 
    hits, and get a free round of attacks against their foe.  Combat
    hits landed while blitzing will generate more adrenaline than
    See also: help adrenaline