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  • help > skills > bleed
    Spell        :   Bleed
    Class        :   Vampire
    Stat Base    :   Str, Dex, Int, Con
    Cost         :   0
    Casting Time :   Instant
    Syntax       :   do bleed <victim>
    Resisted by  :   Combat and Resistance
    A vampire stay alive by drinking blood. The bleed skill is used to
    deal damage which invigorate the vampire with spellpoints (this
    invigoration is however less out of combat since the Vampire
    concentrate on keeping hidden). Bleed can not be used in combat 
    which can be troublesome for the vampire. However in a grapple 
    bleed can always be used. Bleed does not work against non-player 
    characters in a war.
    Bleed is subject to diminishing return when used with celerity.
    Bleed does bleeding type damage (which is unaffected by armour), but 
    applies bite resistance as a penalty to skill.
    For a vampire, with blood comes power.  As a vampire drinks from
    his/her victim(s), he/she will gain some of the victim's abilities.
    For example, drinking from a powerful barbarian would temporarily
    enhance the vampire's strength.  Likewise, drinking from a mage
    with a high intellect would increase the vampire's intelligence.