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  • help > skills > backstab
    Skill        :   Backstab
    Class        :   Thief
    Cost         :   0
    Skill Type   :   Active
    Casting Time :   0
    Difficulty   :   Level 1
    Stats Base   :   Mostly Dexterity with some Strength and Intelligence
    Syntax       :   do backstab <target>
    Examples     :   do backstab joe
    Backstabbing allows a thief (or any thief subclass that has backstab)
    to get a sneak attack in on somebody without them noticing.  This
    does much more damage than a normal attack.
    The chance of successfully completing a backstab is based on the
    thief's backstab skill and his/her victims' awareness.  
    Whether one succeeds or fails, the thief will then be in combat 
    with his/her opponent.  It is possible to attempt a backstab
    when one is already in combat with a foe in a party while party
    damage is turned on.
    When in combat and alone the effectiveness of backstab is reduced and
    the opportune strike often results in the thief getting hit as well.
    See also: help skill awareness