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  • help > prayers > sunstrike
    Skill        :   Sunstrike
    Class        :   Druid
    Base Cost    :   40 Astral Power
    Skill Type   :   Active
    Casting Time :   Instant
    Stats Base   :   Religion
    Damage Type  :   Fire
    Syntax       :   do sunstrike <target>
    Examples     :   do sunstrike troll
                     do sunstrike all
    "Sunstrike" calls upon the blazing power of the sun to strike the target with 
    a concentrated beam of solar energy. This skill deals significant fire damage 
    and can leave the target blinded by the intense light. Sunstrike is a precise 
    and devastating attack, perfect for dealing with powerful enemies and turning 
    the tide of battle in favor of the Druid.