help > invasion Periodically, the lands of Tsunami are threatened by an invasion from the lands beyond the Sunreach Sea. The invasions have been on the rise recently, and it is unknown what the invaders desire from our fair shores. When the first invaders are sighted, a general alarm is sent to all the peoples of the lands, and it is for the purpose of mutual survival that priest bands together with Deathknight to repulse the foul invaders. The invaders spread rapidly through the lands, and can often, sadly, be tracked by their slash and burn tactics that leave the very lands charred to ashes. The "time" command will show the current invasion status of Tsunami, and once you have entered into the battle to repulse the invaders, you will be notified upon an invaders death how many are left in the invasion force. The "invasionscore" command can be used to list your invasion statistics from previous invasions or the current invasion, should one be ongoing. The invaders can be almost any class, species, or race. Their levels can range from the lowliest foot soldier, to the powerful WarLords. Because of their pillaging nature, the often have a good deal of money on their persons, and are worth much experience. Additionally, once the invasion is broken, you are rewarded a bonus based upon the number of invaders you have slain. There is however, a level cap, a 19+3 character will not gain any expereince from a level 17 invader. The invaders, coming from a strangely magical realm, are seemingly immune to summon or gate, but have been known to be viewable through mystical objects. Additionally, their tactics dictate that they stay close to major roadways as to allow them to spread faster, though their wandering ways will sometimes push them off the beaten path by a room or three. See also: help jinvasion, help iview If your character is not logged on when the invasion is broken, it will receive the money and experience rewards upon first subsequent login. |