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help > w > standards subclass
 //          Subclass Standards           //
         Created   2-Sep-2022 by Raine         
    Last Updated:  8-Sep-2022 by Raine
|             Hardline Rules             |
1) The sum of the stats for the subclass
should be 400 or less.
 - 100 str, 100 int, 100 dex, 100 con = 400 - Fine
 - 75 str, 125 int, 100 dex, 75 con   = 375 - Fine
 - 125 str, 125 int, 100 dex, 100 con = 450 - Not fine

2) The name of the subclass should fit the 
setting and the class in which it will be
 - Ninja would be fine.
 - StealthyMcStealthface would not be fine.