Change 5826

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Originally Posted : Thu Dec 13 12:47:52 2018
Posted by : Chaitan
Title : Change to how armor class is calculated.

I have modified the armor class formula. This change is quite
huge so I didn't do it lightly and if I see unexpected results
I might modify or even revert the formula.

Things you might notice.

* Armor class now matter more against hih incoming damage.
* Armor class now matter less against low incoming damage.

The reason for this wasn't really to nerf or buff any particular
class. It was to even out weird curve of damage reduction where
AC prevented low damage so much that that it often became near
immunity and did almost nothing against high damage.

I am aware that many classes need to be adjusted because of this.
Most should behave fairly within margins but there are special
cases where they have way too much armor (because AC didn't
really matter) or classes who started out with low damage and
over the years got overbuffed because their damage was reduced
to nothing.

Note this affect only armor class (or defense). Toughness and
damage resistance is unaffected.