Change 4371

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Originally Posted : Thu May 13 20:19:14 2010
Posted by : Traveller
Title : Divine wrath

I've removed the variability from the way divine wrath works.

Whereas most people think its effectiveness works off standing,
in reality it had a built-in modifier based on the jihad of
the person you're hitting. So do many other cleric damage
prayers. However in this case, because it's a room attack
the variability of the jihad effect is magnified... Example:

Average 100 damage divine wrath -
Versus a room of 3 karaveth would do 125/npc, for 375 dmg
Versus a room of 3 Everen would do 75/npc for 225 dmg

This is actually neither an increase nor a decrease. The
jihad code qualised (i.e. it buffed as many hits as it reduced)
for a net zero effect. What you will see now is just less