Change 4228

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Originally Posted : Wed Feb 17 05:12:22 2010
Posted by : Wildcat
Title : Internal changes

I don't normally post internal changes like this but this one can affect
the players so I will. I recently added full mudlib text search for
wizards and mudlib source code control to the MUD. At the moment both
are in a pretty rough stage and for the most part work but the way that
they do work is more in a batch mode. Each morning (PST
(Godsowntimezone)) during the normal system backup, we also run a new
search spider and source control commit scripts. These may lag the MUD
slightly. So if you see lag from about 4:30AM PST to about 4:50AM PST
that's what it's about. If this lag is nticable/causing any issues in
the game, I can either lower the CPU utilization of the proccess (At the
expense of making it take longer.) Or at a minimum give a 5 minute
warning when it's going to begin. Feedback as always is appreciated.