Change 3705

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Originally Posted : Sat Mar 28 21:26:17 2009
Posted by : Aristotle
Title : Char. creation interface update

My fellow Tsunamiites,

Based on feedback from players and wizards, I've compiled two lists:

1) List of classes that would be easiest for newbies.
2) List of classes newbies should never play if they ever want a hope of
figuring out how to play our game.

I've taken these lists and updated the character creation interface.

Newbie-friendly classes are presented as [EASY]. These are classes that
should be the LEAST confusing to new players. All the basic command
should work as intended, nothing unusual to figure out, etc. These
aren't necessarily th most BS classes, but the easiest ones to figure

Classes no real newbie should EVER play are labeled as [HARD]. These are
classes that are so confusing, players are most likely to quit if they
choose them. A prime example is Juggernaught, who can't even use the
inventory command w/o upgrading their hardware, which is done in a
customized way that will be totally foreign to newbies.

I talked extensively about the choices with players and wizards alike. If
you see something you feel is improperly labeled, please MUD MAIL me. No
need to post it on the suggestion board.
