Change 2198

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Originally Posted : Wed Mar 03 17:37:04 2004
Posted by : Razan
Title : shinrei change

The Aohitogusa prayer Shinrei has been changed so that when you
pray for a damage resistance to a type, say 'shock', you receive
a *SMALL* vulnerability to the other damage types that Shinrei
could have resisted you from. This is ONLY to those types, not
all types that we have.

Previously, an aohitogusa could pick and choose what to resist
as they saw fit with no negative. Constrast this to, say, a
mage shield which is fixed what it can resist (based on the
elemental type) *AND* has pre-defined negatives which either
go straight through the shield, dispell it, or both.

Now clealy an Aohitigusa can still throw up a massive resistance
to whatever they want, but now doing so will leave themself
A TINY BIT vulnerable to other types. So, gotta pick and choose
now folks.

- Razan.