Change 4158

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Originally Posted : Fri Jan 08 20:37:51 2010
Posted by : Traveller
Title : Standing

You've probably noticed that standing for pks generally
just doesn't accrue, unless you're a very planned pker.

I've rejigged the numbers, in favour of standing accruing
over time. I think it's a crime that we have many, many people
with hundreds of pks with 0 pk standing, and only a few with max

In simple terms, before if you happened to target someone of
your jihad, it effectively wiped two pks off your standing,
and dying wiped one pk off your standing. As everyone is/was
blood lords (because they had led the jihad for so long), things
started going around in circles Now, you'd have to die or
pk your own jihad a fair bit MORE than you pk other jihads
to lose standing overall.